Our monthly forums are a chance for anyone and everyone to learn more about health and social care services in our area. We aim to keep you updated with any changes to services in particular, and health and social care in general. This is for sharing, so while we have a lot to say, we also want to hear your views and feedback, and answer your questions.
We like to share health information and health and social care-related awareness events, so why is Black History Month so relevant to Healthwatch Newcastle and Gateshead?
October is going to be a busy month in the Healthwatch Newcastle and Gateshead office, as we’re planning more outreach, engagement, and activities than ever before… we’re out and about at a few events this month so come and meet the team!
It's National Inclusion Week... but what does inclusion mean? It means making a deliberate effort to create bridges, not barriers, to opportunities for all different kinds of people. It means demonstrating that people of all backgrounds are valued and valuable.
Did you know that there are more than 200 different sign languages in use around the globe? With more than 70 million deaf people worldwide, it’s important to be aware of this accessible, expressive form of communication.
Tell Us North is a community interest company (CIC) in the North East of England. It has three new job vacancies that will support the delivery of the Healthwatch Gateshead and Healthwatch Newcastle contracts.