This annual report covers our research into residents' involvement in care homes and the experiences of children and young people's with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
During January 2017 we ran two pilot focus groups at HMP Durham. The aim was to help staff better understand male prisoners’ experiences of health and wellbeing and look at new ways of engaging with prisoners to gather their opinions.
In autumn 2016, we were invited by the North East Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (NEAS) to carry out some research on the organisation’s behalf. The purpose was to hear views and experiences of NEAS services and also investigate the barriers that Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities face.
During the summer and autumn of 2016 we gathered people’s experience of education, health and care (EHC) plans in Newcastle. This report on the findings includes 12 recommendations.
Following the publication our ‘GP appointments: what do Newcastle patients want?’ report we wanted to better understand how people define the term ‘urgent’ and whether they define it differently in different circumstances.
We collaborated with Healthwatch Gateshead to carry out a short survey with the public in our respective local authority areas during the summer and autumn of 2016.
Throughout autumn 2016 we asked care home residents, relatives, and care home managers how residents are involved in decisions about their own care and in how their care home is run. Our report identifies best practice in various cares homes in Newcastle.
Our annual report for 2015–16 describes the work we have done over the last year to understand and improve people's experiences of social care and health services in Newcastle upon Tyne.
We presented some major research projects, including local home care services, people’s preference when making a GP appointment and young people’s attitude to dental care, inviting people to think about the next steps. Delegates also shortlisted Healthwatch Newcastle’s priorities for 2016—17.
This listening event in November 2015 enabled people to meet and talk with the organisations that plan and provide local social care and health services.