Closing Dates and Who To Contact
If you need help accessing healthcare during this time, please call NHS 111. Always call 999 if your situation is life-threatening.
Adult Social Care Point is the main contact point if you want to talk about any care needs you may have. The phone service is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week on 0191 278 7878.
If you aren't sure which health service to contact, please refer to the information below:
In an emergency, go to the hospital or call 999: choking, chest pains, breathing problems, blacking out, serious blood loss. Visit hospital or call 999 if someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.
Visit your nearest Urgent Treatment Centre for: breaks and sprains, x-rays, cuts and grazes, fever and rashes.
Contact your GP for: persistent symptoms, chronic pain, long term conditions or new prescriptions. If you are outside of your GP’s operating hours and cannot wait, call NHS 111.
Call NHS 111 for non-emergency help, such as: feeling unwell, if you are unsure who to call, if you are anxious about your health or if you need general help.
Contact your Pharmacy for expert advice on: minor illnesses, headaches, upset stomachs, bites and stings.
Use Self Care at home for: minor cuts and grazes, minor bruises, minor sprains, coughs and colds.