Useful Resources

We’ve compiled a number of useful links and downloadable resources to help you stay informed.

Registering with your Doctor: understanding your rights

It can sometimes be difficult registering with a Doctor. Read more about your rights and what to do if you are refused the right to register.
Find out more


Dentistry Myth Busting

Did you know that dental practices are set up within the NHS in a completely different way to GP practices? This booklet contains information about what it means to be registered with a dental practice, why you may be offered a private appointment and emergency care.

File download
Dentistry myths booklet

Local services

Looking for local help? We can help you find local services or make a complaint.

Download our posters and leaflets

Do you run a centre or service used by people who might benefit from our services? You can download and print our information to help us to help them!

File download
Healthwatch Newcastle - who are we? (flyer)
Healthwatch Newcastle Poster
Give us your feedback (leaflet)
What we do with feedback (leaflet)