Did you know that dental practices are set up within the NHS in a completely different way to GP practices? There is no formal patient registration to see a dentist.
We know some people feel anxious or worried when they’re told they need a colonoscopy but it’s important to have this test if you’re referred. Bowel Cancer UK has launched the Colonoscopy Confidence campaign to explain what a colonoscopy is, why it matters and encourage people to attend their appointment.
We’re supporting Cervical Cancer Prevention Week 17-23 January and encouraging women and people with a cervix not to ignore their invitation. Did you know, one in three eligible people don't attend cervical screening? It’s a test that saves lives.
If you have COVID-19 symptoms, you can take a PCR test by booking online at www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test or calling 119 between 7am and 11pm and self-isolate until you get your results
Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
Your mental wellness is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting. Here's what to expect when you seek support for your mental health.
Do you struggle to speak to your doctor about your medical concerns? You’re not alone. Take a look at our top tips to make the most out of your GP appointment.
With more and more appointments happening online, we've put together some tips on how to get the most out of the virtual health and care appointments both for patients and health and care professionals.