Our annual report for 2015–16 describes the work we have done over the last year to understand and improve people's experiences of social care and health services in Newcastle upon Tyne.
We presented some major research projects, including local home care services, people’s preference when making a GP appointment and young people’s attitude to dental care, inviting people to think about the next steps. Delegates also shortlisted Healthwatch Newcastle’s priorities for 2016—17.
This listening event in November 2015 enabled people to meet and talk with the organisations that plan and provide local social care and health services.
From July to December 2015 we carried out research into what people want when booking a GP appointment in Newcastle. A discrete choice experiment survey was developed in partnership with Northumbria University.
During late 2015 and early 2016 we carried out a large scale survey of service users, carers and relatives, and home care workers to gather their feedback on various aspects of home care services. Newcastle City Council took on board six of our ten recommendations when drawing up new care provider contracts.
From September 2015 to January 2016 our young people’s group designed and delivered a mental health questionnaire aimed at young people in the 13—25 age range. The aim was to get a better understanding of the main issues young people face regarding mental health, and if schools and colleges are offering enough support to young people around these issues.
From October to December 2015 we asked service users, their carers and relatives, and also social workers, what they thought about home care services in Newcastle. We also interviewed the commissioners of home care services and met with several local voluntary and community sector organisations.
This Elders Council of Newcastle report presents the findings of a December 2015 event where people discussed their expectations of home care services. The event was held in partnership with Newcastle City Council and Healthwatch Newcastle.
On 3 June 2015, Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead teamed up with the Regional Refugee Forum (RRF) to hold an event for asylum seekers and refugees in Newcastle and Gateshead. The event was designed to give RRF members the opportunity to tell us about the unique and distinctive health and wellbeing issues affecting them. A follow up event was held on 15 October 2015.