Latest news and views

2025 Annual Survey now open!
We asking everyone with experience of local health and social care services to take part in our annual survey.

NHS 10 Year Plan - Local & Online Discussion Groups
Healthwatch Newcastle invites you to learn about the new NHS 10 Year Plan and have your say about the future of local services at Newcastle City Library.

Have your say about the future of the NHS!
The Government and NHS England are asking the public to share their ideas for the next big plan for the NHS by launching 'Change NHS', a consultation to help shape a 10-year recovery plan.

Thank you for attending our Annual Joint Meeting!
On the 19th of September we held our Annual Joint Meeting, shared between Healthwatch Newcastle and Healthwatch Gateshead. It was an opportunity sharing our recent achievements, our current activities and our plans for the future, as well as receive…

Would you know how to respond to a Mental Health Crisis?
We want to help improve crisis management services, which means how understanding people would respond to a crisis situation. Which service would you contact, and do you think they are effective? We want to know!

Take part in our Hospital Discharge survey!
We are looking to gather experiences of those who have been discharged from Newcastle hospitals in the last 12 months on Pathways 1, 2 and 3.

Become a Volunteer Committee Member!
Are you looking for an opportunity to shape the future of health and social care services in Newcastle?

January 2025 Committee Meeting - Healthwatch Newcastle
Read our minutes from the Healthwatch Newcastle Committee Meeting on 22 January 2024.

Did you get the COVID-19 / flu vaccine this winter?
Tell us about your decision in an anonymous survey.
Latest reports and publication

Covid 19 and Flu Vaccination Take Up by the Public
We ran a short survey in February and March this year, asking local people about their decisions around the COVID-19 and Flu vaccine this winter.
Find out more

November 2024 Committee Meeting - Healthwatch Newcastle
Read our minutes from the Healthwatch Newcastle Committee Meeting on 20 November 2024.
Find out more
Sign up for our Newsletter
Every other month, we send out an email to keep people up-to-date with our activities, information, open surveys and latest reports. We will also email you the occasional notice about new surveys or upcoming events.